Every year I am contacted by constituents with children who, for one reason or another, need a high level of care. While all of us with children know how draining parenting can be, these parents have to do more than any of us really realise and, not matter how much you look for the joy in the child’s face, it is an exhausting, draining and often very sad experience.
And so, it was a great pleasure to meet Jason and Gail O’Shea from last week, who have set up a charity called Wipe Away Those Tears (https://www.wipeawaythosetears.org/) to grant a last wish to children who are terminally ill.
Jason and Gail host events, hold raffles, and call on the support for friends, family and colleagues to raise funds for the charity. The funds are then distributed to applicants in need – be it for a memory-making trip to Disneyland, Paris, a custom-fitted wheelchair, or a course of physiotherapy.
Jason and Gail told me every penny they raise is spent on the children, with overheads met by Jason through his own business. Gail rings round local hospitals and hospices to ensure they are aware of the charity’s work and can get what is needed – on many occasions – within 24 hours.
It is heartening to know there are people like Jason and Gail here in the Brentwood and Ongar constituency, helping the most vulnerable without question or judgement. If you know anyone who could do with their help, please do contact them using the website address above and they will do all they can to assist.