Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives. At a time of national crisis it is vitally important we all follow official guidance in order to stay safe and to protect others. I cannot emphasise strongly enough how important it is that everyone follows the latest advice from government and the NHS. As this is fast moving, it is crucial that everyone keeps track of the most up-to-date information – available here
As of Monday morning (23 March), the central advice is to undertake no non-essential travel, to work from home wherever possible, and to socially distance at 2m from everyone in public. If you have been exposed to COVID-19 you must self-isolate for one week. If you have symptoms (temperature or persistent cough) then you must likewise stay at home – and anyone in your household must stay home for 14 days. (Full details available at the link above.)
Those with an underlying health condition who are at greatest risk from COVID-19 will soon receive a communication with detailed advice on how to protect themselves. They are being encouraged to “shield” – staying at home at all times and avoiding face-to-face contact. Visits from people who provide essential support such as healthcare, personal support with daily needs or social care should continue, but carers and care workers must stay away if they have any of the symptoms of COVID-19. All people coming to your home should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds on arrival to your house and often whilst they are there.
The Government is offering unprecedented assistance for businesses and employees so as to try and keep as many people in work and as many companies afloat as possible with Chancellor Rishi Sunak announcing huge measures last week. I am aware that more needs to be done for the self-employed and I am in constant dialogue with Whitehall about how this could be achieved.
Brentwood Borough Council and Leader Chris Hossack are taking a leading role in supporting the most vulnerable people in the Borough. Over the weekend thousands of leaflets have been distributed to households across the Borough by all councillors, council staff and volunteers giving contact details if you need help or support. You can contact the Council on 01277 312500 or at [email protected].
Epping Forest District Council is also updating its website regularly and you can see the latest news here: This is a fast-moving and difficult time for everyone and I am doing all I can to keep you up to date with what is happening.
If you are volunteering or would like to volunteer, please get in touch. Please look after each other by staying away from each other wherever possible. We must all do our bit. Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives.