National Highways will be starting preparation work this week at Junction 28 on the M25 (Brook Street roundabout area) to get the site ready for the improvement works which will begin in earnest in October this year.
The following activities will be carried out during the daytime:
• clearing the site of vegetation
• installing a compound to provide facilities for the teams on site and a place to store materials
• carrying out ground and archaeological surveys
• Cadent Gas diverting a gas mains
Overnight A12 lane closures
An access track will be built to the site compound which will be located on the A12 eastbound, between the Maylands Golf Club entrance and the A12 exit slip. To build this track, National Highways will be closing the inside lane of the A12 eastbound between Woodstock Avenue and the A12 exit slip, heading towards M25 junction 28 between 10pm and 5am on the following nights:
• Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 July
• Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 August
Access to Woodstock Avenue, Maylands Golf Club and the A12 exit slip will be unaffected during these closures.
If you want to find out more information about the scheme, you can read the details here