This week I want to send my congratulations to all those who have just received their GCSE, A level and BTEC results. This cohort has had the worst of pandemic times, with two of the most important years of their secondary education disrupted by lockdowns, online learning and changes to the way exams were taken and assessed.
Grades are important - they unlock the next set of opportunities. But often missed grades lead to opportunities not previously considered. This group of young people have shown great resilience in the face of constant change, have adapted to using technology to learn, and their independent learning skills will stand them in good stead for the future.
Having spoken to some of the local head teachers in recent months, I know there is some frustration about schools having to pay the usual fees to exam boards, despite school teachers having to do all the assessment and gradings for this year’s exam students. Teacher workload, never small, has increased as has the stress on those having to teach in class and online, and assess their pupils’ work for public exams.
I brought these concerns to the attention of the Schools Minister, Nick Gibb, who has assured me that once the summer 2021 results have been issued and appeals completed, the boards will be able to determine their overall costs and savings and will then be able to advise schools and colleges on the scale of any rebate.
For now, it is a time to look forward to new opportunities and challenges, I wish all those heading for sixth form, university, apprenticeships and work great enjoyment in this next stage of their learning experience.