I have been trying to visit the Daily Bread Pop Up Café in Hutton for some time but have been thwarted by lockdowns and necessary restrictions on their more public activities.
So it was with great delight I was able to attend the volunteer led food hub and café based at St Peter’s Church on Claughton Way last week not only to say hello but also to cut the ribbon for their official post-lockdown re-opening.
Daily Bread’s activities are organised by soon-to-be curate Lisa Whymark, Tracey Jenkins and Rector of the Parish, Andy Smith, together with a vast team of volunteers who collect and sort food, cook and serve teas, cakes and lunches, and provide vital support to those in the local community.
During the lockdowns of the past year, the team’s sterling work has been a constant source of assistance to people who have found themselves without work or regular income and have had to ask for help for their first time in their lives. It’s clear the food-for donations system allows assistance to be given with dignity and without judgement.
Most of the food on offer has been collected from local shops and supermarkets as it reaches its Best Before End date or is end of line stock which needs to be cleared. The food is bundled into bags and given away for whatever recipients can donate. For some it’s a way of making the weekly food budget stretch further, for others it’s a way of reducing food waste and avoiding perfectly edible food being thrown away.
While at the church last week, it was clear from the cheery buzz of conversation that old friends were gathering again and the teas, cakes and soft drinks trolley was doing good business
The pop up café in the church makes the best use of the space available – especially when social distancing is still needed – and when it is running all activities, offers advice, emergency food parcels, arts and crafts, games, and a chance for those who live alone to spend some time with other people.
The last year has brought out a spirit of community action which is wonderful to see. That spirit is embodied in the Daily Bread Café – I congratulate all those who have made it happen.
Pictures by Neil's Photography