Brentwood Borough Council's Can in a Van is back for more donations today (Friday June 12) at Sainsbury’s and the Chapel Ruins.
Community groups are appealing for donations to the Community Hub with Food Bank creating a list of specific items that it needs to help vulnerable people.
From the store area at the Town Hall the food, toiletries and other supplies are distributed to the community.
Those taking part in the initiative include volunteers from Mutual Aid and representatives from the Lighthouse who will be at Chapel Ruins.
Community and Health Committee Chair, Councillor Cliff Poppy said; “The residents are incredibly generous in Brentwood and their donations have generated vital support across the borough. The last Can in A Van resulted in 60 red boxes full of food and supplies. There are plenty of people and families out there that need an helping hand at the moment. People are still on furlough, others have lost their jobs and for some the added pressures of the last two months of Lockdown is taking its toll. So I appeal to anyone shopping tomorrow to just spare a little something for the Can in A Van. “